Cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin vs. Cisplatin/teniposide in the treatment of children older than 12 months of age with disseminated neuroblastoma: A pediatric oncology group randomized phase II study

This prospective study was designed to estimate the response rates and to compare two drug pairs, cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin (Cy/A) and cisplatin/teniposide (P1/VM) in previously untreated patients with disseminated neuroblastoma >12 months of age at diagnosis. Estimated complete clinical response rates after five courses of therapy were 13% (70 patients) and 22% (64 patients) for Cy/A and P1/VM, respectively (P = 0.17). After surgical removal of residual tumors in patients with partial response, the complete response rates were 27% and 34% (P = 0.50), respectively. The overall CR/PR rates after induction and surgery were 59% and 73% (P = 0.077). There was no significant difference in event free survival (P = 0.48) or survival (P = 0.40). Five year survival on the two arms were 14% (SE = 5%) and 12% (SE = 4%), respectively. Toxicity was significant but manageable. The Cy/A arm had significantly higher hematopoietic toxicity but significantly lower GI toxicity. Significant allergic reactions were seen with the P1/VM arm, none in the Cy/A arm. Given the activity of these two regimens, further therapy with a combination of these regimens is suggested.