Personality Characteristics of Dyslexic and Nondyslexic Adults

Dyslexic persons have developmental abnormalities in reading, writing, speech, or more than one area. To study differences in personality characteristics 25 each dyslexic and nondyslexic men and women, ranging in age from 21 to 73 years, completed the 300-word Adjective Check List. Analysis indicated significant differences between the two groups on 15 of the 37 adjectives. Dyslexic men scored significantly lower than nondyslexic men on the Favorable Adjectives checked, Achievement, Dominance, Intraception, Heterosexuality, Self-confidence, Personal Adjustment, Ideal Self, and Military Leadership scales, and they scored significantly higher than nondyslexic men on the Adapted Child scale. Nondyslexic women scored significantly higher than dyslexic women on the Counseling Readiness and the High Origence/High Intellectence scales and significantly lower on the Nurturance, Nurturing Parent, and Feminine Attributes scales.