Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness on the Nicaraguan Post‐Mitch Agenda

Nicaragua provides an example of how a major disaster, in this case Hurricane Mitch, can transform the national agenda for disaster mitigation and preparedness. Hurricane Mitch was a reminder of how extremely disaster prone Nicaragua is, and also how neo‐liberal reforms have weakened governmental response capacity. In the face of critiques of how governmental policies had affected preparedness and response, discussions of this transformation became a highly politicised process where the debate over alternative development models tended to overshadow the original calls to strengthen risk management. Progress can be seen in some areas, such as disaster mitigation through environmental management. This study of NGO roles, and their relations with other key actors, draws attention to the need to anchor improved risk management in local‐level NGOgovernment collaboration. Structures are being put into place to achieve this aim, but dependence on donor financing raises questions regarding the longer‐term sustainability of these efforts.