Dievas savo Apreiškimą patiki žodžiams skelbėjų, kurie perteikia Jo valią. Dievas pats išsirenka ir pašaukia asmenis, kuriems paveda atskleisti įvykius išgelbėjimo kontekste. Naujajame Testamente Dievas per Jėzų Kristų leidžia pažinti nuo amžių turėtą išganymo planą. Šis dieviškasis veiksmas atliekamas per išorinį Kristaus ir apaštalų palikimą ir per Šventosios Dvasios vidinį buvimą bei veikimą. Privatūs apreiškimai, jų autoritetingumas iš esmės skiriasi nuo dieviškojo Apreiškimo, kuris tik padeda tikėjimui ir pasirodo kaip tik per tai, kad asmenį kreipia į dieviškąjį Apreiškimą. Privačių apreiškimų vaidmuo nėra pagerinti ar papildyti Kristaus Apreiškimą, nes jis yra baigtinis, bet padėti jį pilnutiniau išgyventi tam tikru istorijos laikotarpiu.The teachings of the Church declare that public Revelation is true and, if understood correctly, faultless. In Christianity the basis of faith, life, thought and action of believers is the incarnated mystery of Jesus Christ. In brief, the Revelation is the God's revelatory action dedicated to all mankind, captured in the Bible which consists of two parts Old and New Testaments. God entrusts His Revelation to words of gospellers who represent the meaning of His will. God Himself chooses and calls people whom He entrusts to reveal events in the context of the Salvation. The Spirit of Jah-weh embraces a human- being, adopts his heart and makes him the tool of godly will. Thus the Revelation consists of both the events and the explanatory comments. The meaning of the events becomes clear when it is explained. In principle, the word of revelation is dynamic - acting and lively, which makes the salvation real by pro-claiming it and promising it at the same time. In the New Testament the Revelation is the free factor of the infmite God's love, which He allows to know Himself through the incarnation and reveals the plan of Salvation that He had since the beginnings through Jesus Christ. This Godly action is carried out through Christ s and apostles' outer legacy of and through the inner existence and action of the Holy Spirit. The God's Revelation in the Holy Script is for all people and all times. It is necessary to accept it and believe in it. Thus, there is no need to wait for any new revelation till the second coming of Christ. The authoritativeness of private revelations differs from the Divine Revelation in principle. The latter demands faith in Him through human words, as well as intercessions of the community of the Church God Himself speaks to us. The certainty that God Himself speaks through the Revelation guarantees people that there is Truth in Him. Any other form of human cognition cannot guarantee it. Private revelations only help to strengthen the faith and appear through it to direct a person to the Divine Revelation. Despite this, any Christian is not obliged to believe in Marys revelations even in the cases when the contents of revelations do not contradict to the entire faith and their authenticity (which happens rarely) is conflrmed by the Church's authority Even in these cases the revelations do not belong to the treasure of faith. Their role is neither to improve nor to supplement the Christ s Revelation, which is rinite, but to help to live it out to its fullest at a certain historic moment. The revelations can be useful, but the most important sources to know God are the Bible, the Tradition and the teachings of the Church. The Church does not oblige to believe in its approved private revelations but the hostility towards them might show another extreme as one forgets the freedom of God: a human-being cannot strictly limit ways of God's activities but we have constantly to endeavour ourselves to recognise His voice and respond to It with gratitude