The Alignment between Satellites and Central Galaxies: Theory vs. Observations

Recent studies have shown that the distribution of satellite galaxies is preferentially aligned with the major axis of their central galaxy. The strength of this alignment has been found to depend strongly on the colours of the satellite and central galaxies, and only weakly on the mass of the halo in which the galaxies reside. In this paper we study whether these alignment signals, and their dependence on galaxy and halo properties, can be reproduced in a hierarchical structure formation model of a $\Lambda$CDM concordance cosmology. To that extent we use a large $N$-body simulation which we populate with galaxies following a semi-analytical model for galaxy formation. We find that if the orientation of the central galaxy is perfectly aligned with that of its dark matter halo, then the predicted central-satellite alignment signal is much stronger than observed. If, however, the minor axis of a central galaxy is perfectly aligned with the angular momentum vector of its dark matter halo, we can accurately reproduce the observed alignment strength as function of halo mass and galaxy color. Although this suggests that the orientation of central galaxies is governed by the angular momentum of their dark matter haloes, we emphasize that any other scenario in which the minor axes of central galaxy and halo are misaligned by $\sim 40^{\circ}$ (on average) will match the data equally well. Finally, we show that dependence of the alignment strength on the color of the central galaxy is most likely an artefact due to interlopers in the group catalogue. The dependence on the color of the satellite galaxies, on the other hand, is real and owes to the fact that red centrals are associated with subhaloes that were more massive at their time of accretion.