Effects of medial raphe and raphe magnus lesions on the analgesic activity of morphine and methadone

The effects of lesions of the raphe nuclei on opiate-induced antinociception and brain serotonin (5-HT) levels were investigated. Lesions of the medial raphe nucleus effectively antagonized the analgesic effects of morphine, but not methadone, and lowered brain 5-HT. The decrement in analgesic activity of morphine was reversed by pretreatment with 5-hydroxytryptophan. Lesions of the raphe magnus, a descending 5-HT system, antagonized the analgesic potency of both morphine and methadone. These experiments indicate a differential effect of 5-HT manipulation on opiate-induced analgesia, suggesting a different mechanism of analgesic action for morphine and methadone.