Quality of Life of Hemodialysis and Renal Transplantation Patients

The quality of life of patients with end-stage renal disease is an important indicator of disease burden. To achieve a better quality of life, some medical treatment might be replaced by other approaches. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life of renal-transplanted and hemodialysis patients in Iran. Two hundred hemodialysis and 200 renal transplantation patients were recruited from 5 major hospitals and renal patients' support society in Tehran, Iran. The data were collected using the Persian versions of the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index-Dialysis and Transplantation Version. The quality-of-life mean scores of renal transplantation patients were significantly better compared with those of the hemodialysis patients (21.36 [SD, 4.06] vs 20.35 [SD, 5.14]; P = .03). The questionnaire demonstrated significant differences in health/functioning and familial subscale of quality of life between the transplanted and hemodialysis patients (p < .05). The better quality of life of transplant patients, in comparison with hemodialysis patients, is an important reason for advising kidney transplants in renal failure patients. To improve the patients' quality of life, kidney transplantation might be effective for the end-stage renal disease. With regard to socioeconomic problem in most of the patients with renal failure, comprehensive insurance and referral to renal and transplanted patients' support society are suggested for those who have undergone different renal replacement therapies.