Modern diagnostic laboratory methods and application of biochemical parameters of blood will allow to determine the pathological process, determine its cause, degree of development, and prognosis. The introduction of these principles can be useful in the development and correction of health measures. The aim of this work is to identify pathognomonic metabolic signs of mycotoxicosis in cattle. In the work, highly productive cows, with clinical signs of intoxication syndrome were examined, and laboratory studies of feed confirmed the availability of metabolites of fungi.Metabolic parameters of the examined group of cows were studied in a comparative aspect with clinically healthy animals in this agricultural enterprise that were examined a year earlier.Conducted investigations have established that the use of feed, contaminated by toxic fungal metabolites leads to the development of symptoms in animals chronic toxemia.Clinical signs are the development of diarrhea and dehydration, and there is a decrease in milk production.The pathological changes that occur in toxemia lead to metabolic disturbances, which can be identified by laboratory diagnostic methods.The pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of severe form of acidosis, including renal tubular acidosis (a decrease in bicarbonate blood capacity, hyperchloremia, hyperphosphatemia, globulinemia, hypokalemia, hypercreatininaemia).Metabolic acidosis predetermines the violation of many types of metabolism, including protein, carbohydrate, mineral and lipid.The pathology of the hepato-biliary system of predominantly toxic etiology is a high percentage in the structure of diseases.Other important metabolic symptoms include the development of the inflammatory process (leukocytosis, an increase in the number of segmented neutrophils and circulating immune complexes), an increase in signs of allergization (eosinophilia, monocytophilia), as well as general intoxication (predominance of abnormal forms of erythrocytes, hypoglycemia).