Circadian Rhythm of Iguana Electroretinogram: The Role of Dopamine and Melatonin

The amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) varies with a circadian rhythm in the green iguana; the amplitude is high during the day (or subjective day) and low during the night (or subjective night). Dopamine and melatonin contents in the eye are robustly rhythmic under constant conditions; dopamine levels are high during the subjective day, and melatonin levels are high during the subjective night. Dopamine and melatonin affect the amplitude of the b-wave in an antagonistic and phase-dependent manner: dopamine D2-receptor agonists injected intraocularly during the subjective night produce high-amplitude b-waves characteristic of the subjective day, whereas melatonin injected intraocularly during the subjective day reduces b-wave amplitude. Sectioning the optic nerve abolishes the circadian rhythms of b-wave amplitude and of dopamine content. The results of this study suggest that in iguana, a negative feedback loop involving dopamine and melatonin regulates the circadian rhythm of the ERG b-wave amplitude that is at least in part generated in the brain.