Thermodynamic considerations of acrylic cement implant at the site of giant cell tumors of the bone

A discussion of the thermodynamic aspects of a relatively new treatment method for giant cell tumors of the bone is presented in this paper. The advantages of implanting methylmethacrylate acrylic bone cement into a curetted tumor site are briefly discussed and placed in perspective relative to more prevalent surgical treatments. As the bone cement self-heats while curing, the possibility of heat necrosis in the bone exists. However, the damage due to heat may be beneficial in reducing the rate of tumor recurrence. A thermodynamic consideration of the treatment situation appears to be warranted. After a general introduction and a brief literature review, the theoretical thermodynamic equations are developed. Once the basic equations for the heat transfer from the cement or the bone are derived, there is then a discussion of the various characteristics of bone and methylmethacrylate crucial to the analysis, such as, thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, and heat generation parameters. Finally, in order to reduce the theory to a form which may be used practically, the equations derived are written in terms of finite-difference equations, which approximate them numerically. Different equations are written for each type of heat transfer condition encountered in the cement-bone system as spacial variances in material and geometry occur. The equations derived may be used to model the system allowing one to predict the time-dependent temperature distribution in bone during the curing of acrylic cement. Using computer techniques to reduce the equations obtained from this analysis, and knowing the temperature at which adjacent cells die, a zone of necrosis may be mapped surrounding the acrylic impact.