Correlations between radiographic, clinical and mobility parameters after loading of oral implants with fixed partial dentures. A 2‐year longitudinal study.

The aim of the present study was to correlate the changes in the peri‐implant tissues occurring after functional loading of non‐submerged titanium implants and assessed by radiographic, clinical and mobility measurements. 11 patients with distal extension situations received 18 implants of the ITI® Dental Implant System. After a healing period of 3months, the suprastructures were fabricated and seated 5months post‐surgically. For the assessment of peri‐implant bone changes, standardized vertical bitewing radiographs with reproducible exposure geometry were evaluated using computer assisted densitometric image analyses (CADIA) and bone height measurements. Since the radiographic evaluations were performed at mesial and distal sites only, the clinical parameters from these implant aspects were included in the analysis. Clinical periodontal parameters modified for the use around implants were obtained, damping characteristics were expressed as Periotest® readings and standardized radiographs were obtained at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after loading. In addition, radiographs were also taken at the start of functional loading. The data obtained from this small sample of implants demonstrated a wide range of different tissue alterations when using radiographic. clinical and mobility assessments. The parameter of probing attachment level (PAL) in combination with radiographic parameters obtained at 1, 3 and 6 months after loading were good predictors for the peri‐implant tissue status at 2 years. This was shown by means of multiple stepwise regression analyses. Mobility measurements did not reveal valuable predictive information with the statistical models applied. Assessments of probing attachment levels using periodontal probes rendered information on peri‐implant tissue alterations, which were closely correlated to the radiographically measurable peri‐implant bone changes.