Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder of hepatic copper metabolism resulting in liver disease and/or neuropsychiatric disease. The diagnosis of neurological disease is straightforward if the following symptoms are present: Kayser–Fleischer rings, typical neurological symptoms and low serum ceruloplasmin levels. The diagnosis is more complex in patients presenting with liver diseases. None of the commonly used parameters alone allows a diagnosis with certainty. A combination of various laboratory parameters is necessary to firmly establish the diagnosis. In the future, limited mutation analysis may play an important diagnostic role. Recently, a group of international experts has proposed a score based on a variety of tests and clinical symptoms. The validity of this score needs to be assessed prospectively. Treatment requires life‐long administration of copper chelators (d‐penicillamine, trientine). A frequently used alternative is zinc. None of these treatments has been tested by prospective randomized controlled studies. Liver transplantation is reserved for severe or treatment‐resistant cases with advanced liver disease, whilst experience with refractory neuropsychiatric disease is limited.