We study the macroscopic particle concentrations both in a diffusion-limited coagulation (A+AA) and in a two-species diffusion-limited annihilation reaction (A+BscrI), where scrI represents an inert result, in spatial dimension d, using a general closure scheme for truncating the hierarchies of the kinetic equations of the joint density functions. In the coagulation reaction, the concentration C(t) goes to zero asymptotically as td/2 for dt/t for d=2, and as t1 for d>2, while in the annihilation reaction with equal initial density CA(0)=CB(0), the density CA(t)=CB(t) goes to zero as td/4 for d≤4 and t1 for d>4. Our approximation reproduces correctly all these asymptotic concentrations. An alternative approximation is also applied to the two-species annihilation reaction in one dimension, and its result is the same as that obtained from the general closure scheme.