The Genus Aeromonas in Human Bacteriology

Thirty cases in which Aeromonas hydrophila and A. (Plesiomonas) shigelloides were cultured from human specimens are reported. Aeromonads are found in natural water sources and may be transmitted to man. A small percentage of the healthy population apparently carries the organisms in the intestine. Our cases and those of other authors suggest a connection between diarrheal disease and the presence of large numbers of aeromonads in the stool. The organisms can also cause cellulitis and septicemia. In 19 of our cases they were found together with other pathogens. Their role in hospital infections is still unclear. In vitro all strains tested were sensitive to chloramphenicol, kanamycin, nitrofurantoin and nalidixic acid and resistant to ampicillin. Most strains were also sensitive to tetracycline, streptomycin and colymycin. Sensitivity to erythromycin and cephalothin was erratic.