Elemental Diet in the Treatment of Pneumatosis Coli

Background: Pneumatosis cystoides coli (PCC) is a rare condition characterized by gas-filled cysts in the bowel wall. Our aim was to assess the response of PCC to treatment with an elemental diet. Methods: Two patients with PCC were treated with an elemental diet. Both patients had experienced debilitating symptoms for at least a year and were unresponsive to other therapies. Elemental 028 comprises readily absorbed amino acids, fats, simple sugars, minerals, vitamins, and trace elements. After colonoscopically documented resolution at 2 weeks, low-residue foods were gradually added to the diet. Results: Both patients' symptoms disappeared within 3–4 days of commencing the diet, and colonoscopy at 2 weeks confirmed complete resolution of the cysts. One patient relapsed with the introduction of high-residue foods and was again controlled within days by recommencing the elemental diet. Conclusion: An elemental diet can successfully treat both the initial presentation of PCC and any subsequent relapse.