Forty-one free osteomyocutaneous groin flaps were used for osteoplastic reconstruction of the mandible (n = 36) or maxilla (n = 5) following tumor resection or, less often, chronic osteomyelitis or traumatic bone loss. Nineteen grafts were transplanted into a preirradiated area. No total loss of a transplant or pseudoarthrosis was observed. Plates were used for graft fixation. Free grafting was necessary in two patients, who developed partial bone loss because of infection. Four patients showed partial loss of the skin part of the myocutaneous flap. Improvement of the preprosthetic situation was achieved by a total of 38 enosseous aluminium oxide implants into the vascularized bone grafts. All showed primary healing and successful integration in prosthetic rehabilitation, maximum follow-up time being 30 months.