Computer-aided Detection of Pulmonary Embolism on CT Angiography

To evaluate the performance of a computer-aided detection (CAD) system for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism on computed tomography (CT) pulmonary angiography. One hundred and four pulmonary CT angiograms for pulmonary emboli (PE) were reviewed both by radiologists and a CAD detection system (ImageChecker CT V2.0, R2 Technology Inc, Sunnyvale, CA). CT scans, read and reported by radiologists in a routine daily clinical setting, were later processed by the CAD system. The performance of the CAD system was analyzed. Forty-five PE were identified by the radiologists in 15 patients. The CAD system revealed 123 findings, interpreted by the system as PE. Twenty-six of them, detected in 8 patients, represented true-positive results. Ninety-seven (78.9%) CAD findings were not true PE and were defined as false-positive. Nineteen true PE in 7 patients were missed by the CAD system constituting 42% false-negative rate. Sensitivity of the CAD system was 53.3% and the specificity was 77.5%. The positive predictive value of CAD system was 28.5% and the negative predictive value was 90.7%. With the evaluated CAD system, it is relatively simple and fast to check all detected findings and decide if they represent true PE. However, high false-negative results demand technologic improvement, to increase the sensitivity of the system. It is anticipated to become a promising supplement to the work and eyes of the radiologist in detecting PE on pulmonary CT angiography.