Immunologic Studies in Cimetidine-Induced Nephropathy and Polymyositis

CIMETIDINE is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist that is among the most widely prescribed drugs in the United States. In addition to its inhibitory action on gastric acid secretion, a possible role as an immunomodulator has been suggested.1 , 2 Isolated reports have also suggested an occasional association between cimetidine administration and polymyositis3 or interstitial nephritis,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 both of which appear to represent disorders of immunoregulation.12 13 14 We report on a patient in whom polymyositis and acute interstitial nephritis followed the institution of cimetidine therapy. Using monoclonal antibodies, we found a marked increase in the proportion of cytotoxic/suppressor T lymphocytes in the peripheral . . .