Inhibition of angiogenesis and growth of human non-malignant and malignant meningiomas by TNP-470

Summary Meningiomas are relatively common (22%) vascular brain tumors. 3–11% of meningiomas are malignant, and defy currently available therapy. Inhibition of neovascularization is one potential strategy for treating these hypervascular tumors. Inhibition of tumor-induced angiogenesis by TNP-470 (previously termed AGM-1470), a synthetic analogue of fumagillin, was tested on the growth of human non-malignant and malignant meningiomas in nude mice. TNP-470 significantly inhibited tumor neovascularization and tumor growth of both non-malignant and malignant meningiomas. TNP-470 is now in human trial and should be tested for efficacy in treating malignant or recurrent aggressive meningiomas.