A simple dynamical argument suggests that the k−3 enstrophy-transfer range in two-dimensional turbulence should be corrected to the form \[ E(k) = C^{\prime} \beta^{\frac{21}{3}}k^{-3}[\ln (k/k_1)]^{-\frac{1}{3}}\quad (k \gg k_1), \] where E(k) is the usual energy-spectrum function, β is the rate of enstrophy transfer per unit mass, C′ is a dimensionless constant, and k1 marks the bottom of the range, where enstrophy is pumped in. Transfer in the energy and enstrophy inertial ranges is computed according to an almost-Markovian Galilean-in variant turbulence model. Transfer in the two-dimensional energy inertial range, \[ E(k) = C\epsilon^{\frac{2}{3}}k^{-\frac{5}{3}}, \] is found to be much less local than in three dimensions, with 60 % of the transfer coming from wave-number triads where the smallest wave-number is less than one-fifth the middle wave-number. The turbulence model yields the estimates C′ = 2·626, C = 6·69 (two dimensions), C = 1·40 (three dimensions).