Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty

Open pyeloplasty has long been considered the gold standard for the relief of ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, but the incisional morbidity led urologists to explore less invasive alternatives such as endopyelotomy and the Acucise cutting balloon. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty was introduced in 1993 and has since been performed in patients as young as 2.5 years. The operation should be considered in patients with UPJ obstruction caused by a crossing vessel, high ureteral insertion, failed prior procedures, high-grade hydronephrosis, or marginal differential renal function. Hynes-Anderson, Foley Y-V, and Fenger procedures can all be performed laparoscopically, generally with excellent results. The procedure requires advanced laparoscopic skills and so is available in only a few medical centers at present.