Obturator Hernia Revisited: Surgical Anatomy, Embryology, Diagnosis, and Technique of Repair

Obturator hernia is the protrusion of intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal organs or tissues through the obturator canal. The first case was published by de Ronsil in 1724. Obturator hernia is more common in older malnourished women due to loss of supporting connective tissue and the wider female pelvis. The hernia sac usually contains small bowel, especially ileum. It may follow the anterior or posterior division of the obturator nerve. In most cases, obturator hernia presents with intestinal obstruction of unknown cause. It may present with obturator neuralgia, as a palpable mass or, in cases of bowel necrosis, as ecchymosis of the thigh. A correct diagnosis is made in 20 to 30 per cent of cases. CT scan is considered the gold standard for diagnosis, whereas ultrasonography, contrast studies, herniography and plain films are less specific. Surgery is the only treatment option for obturator hernia. Hesitancy to intervene surgically for chronically ill patients results in high mortality. Transabdominal approach is indicated in cases of complete bowel obstruction or suspected peritonitis. The extra-abdominal approach is used in preoperatively diagnosed cases and in absence of bowel strangulation. The laparoscopic approach is minimally invasive and effectively reduces morbidity. The defect is closed using sutures, tissue flaps, or prosthetic mesh.