Rapid reversal of uremic neuropathy following renal transplantation in an adolescent

Ho DT, Rodig NM, Kim HB, Lidov HGW, Shapiro FD, Raju GP, Kang PB. Rapid reversal of uremic neuropathy following renal transplantation in an adolescent. Pediatr Transplantation 2011. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Clinical and pathologic studies on adults with uremic neuropathy are numerous, but less is known about this disorder in children and adolescents. We report the clinical, electrophysiologic, and pathologic findings in an adolescent female with uremic neuropathy. Electrophysiologic findings were consistent with a primarily axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Sural nerve biopsy revealed areas of focal depletion in myelin sheaths and loss of axons. Axonal degeneration with secondary myelin changes appears to be the characteristic pathology in this case, one of the youngest to our knowledge for which nerve biopsy data are available. Our patient experienced dramatic recovery after renal transplantation, similar to the reports of older patients.