Ultrafast x-ray sources*

Time‐resolved spectroscopy (with a 2 psec temporal resolution) of plasmas produced by the interaction between solid targets and a high contrast subpicosecond table top terawatt (T3) laser at 1016 W/cm2, is used to study the basic processes which control the x‐ray pulse duration. Short x‐ray pulses have been obtained by spectral selection or by plasma gradient scalelength control. Time‐dependent calculations of the atomic physics [Phys. Fluids B 4, 2007, 1992] coupled to a Fokker–Planck code [Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1461, 1984] indicate that it is essential to take into account the non‐Maxwellian character of the electron distribution for a quantitative analysis of the experimental results