J. Bazin—The Production of a Historical Narrative. A number of historical African polities—such as the kingdom of Segu—-are known to us almost exclusively through oral traditions. Hence the absolute necessity of a critical study of the production of this type of narratives, including both the processes of their generation and memorization and the circumstances of their enun-ciation. This is illustrated by the study in depth of a relation of king Da's accession, which is shown to be more than a mere 'historical', nonfictional report on things past. Far from being a factual, objective report of actual facts, the narrative has political and ethical implications which remain operative to this day. [PP- 435-483]Bazin Jean. La production d'un récit historique.. In: Cahiers d'études africaines, vol. 19, n°73-76, 1979. Gens et paroles d'Afrique. Écrits pour Denise Paulme. pp. 435-483