The psychometric tests currently used in psychopharmacology were developed many years ago. Computerization of such tests offers better possibilities of standardization and use in efficient repeated measures designs. The Automated Psychological Test (APT) system runs on any Apple II micro, and comprises a set of eleven basic procedures which are particularly suitable for psychopharmacological research. In addition to general purpose procedures for collecting questionnaire and analogue ratings data, API includes a maze test, reaction time modules, finger tapping tests, a test of rate of perspective reversals, a digit span test, a trailmaking test, a lexicon decision test of verbal skills, a symbol digit test which also taps short-term associative memory, and a classical vigilance test, the continuous clock test. The tests have been applied in a series of studies. The cognitive impairment profile of 18 schizophrenic patients was analysed, and related to clinical data and morphological deviance. A group of severe obsessional and anxiety patients were tested before and after psychosurgery. A group of 19 'MBD' boys 9-12 years was compared with a control group. Antihistamine drugs were compared in respect of 'peripheral vs central' effect profile in a double-blind cross-over study. Cognitive effects of remoxipride, a specific D2-blocker, were analysed in a group of healthy volunteers. The APT test battery can be used in a range of settings relevant to psychopharmacological research. Some current projects are reported briefly.