Six stands of lodgepole pine, Pinuscontorta ssp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchfield, in Montana were sampled to evaluate sapwood area (at 1.37 m and the crown base), basal area (at 1.37 m), tree height, and crown length as predictors of foliage area. Densities of the six stands ranged from 2900 to 17 800 stems/ha. This density range was picked to determine how stand density affects the ratio of foliage area to basal sapwood area. Regression estimates of foliage area using basal area and sapwood area at 1.37 m and the crown base were equally good. Within the sampled range of stand densities, differences in the foliage area to sapwood area ratio were not significant. The amount of foliage area served per unit of sapwood area (at 1.37 m) averaged 0.25 m2/cm2 for all 54 trees sampled. This value of foliage area per unit of sapwood area in dense stands was smaller than most other published values.