Residency Training in Aesthetic Surgery: Maximizing the Residentsʼ Experience

Plastic surgery residency programs often rely on a residents' aesthetic clinic to help train residents in aesthetic surgery. The television media may be used to help boost interest in such clinics. We report our experience with a local television station in helping to produce a "health segment" broadcast that chronicled the experience of an aesthetic patient in the residents' aesthetic clinic. As a result of this broadcast, approximately 150 people responded by telephone and subsequently attended a series of seminars designed to screen patients and educate the audience about the aesthetic clinic. A total of 121 patients (112 women and 9 men) signed up for personal consultations. The age distribution and requested procedures are presented. From the data, we conclude that there is a healthy demand for reduced-fee plastic surgery procedures performed by residents in plastic surgery. The number and variety of cases generated are sufficiently diverse to provide a well-rounded operative experience. The pursuit of media coverage of a not-for-profit clinic has the potential for generating large patient volume. Such efforts, although very attractive, are not without their own risks, which must be taken into consideration before engaging the media in the public interest arena.

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