Human breast cancer invasion and aggression correlates with ECM stiffening and immune cell infiltration

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Human tumors are stiff and data suggest that the extracellular matrix stiffening is consistent with experimental mammary tumor models in which stiffness drives
Funding Information
  • National Cancer Institute (1U01 ES019458-01 to VMW and ZW, VW, SH and LC, F31 CA183255 to LC, R01 CA138818-01A1 to VMW, R01 CA174929 to VMW CP, T32 CA108462-11 to ID, U54CA143836-01 to JL and VMW)
  • National Cancer Institute (1U01 ES019458-01 to VMW and ZW, VW, SH and LC, F31 CA183255 to LC, R01 CA138818-01A1 to VMW, R01 CA174929 to VMW CP, T32 CA108462-11 to ID, U54CA143836-01 to JL and VMW)