Periodontal conditions in patients 5 years following insertion of fixed prostheses

The oral hygiene, gingival condition, pocket depth and loss of attachment were studied during a period of 5 years in a group of patients (114) who had been treated with fixed dental protheses. Eighty-four per cent of the subjects had received periodontal therapy prior to the prosthetic treatment. During the study the subjects participated in an oral hygiene programme. Crown margins were located sub-gingivally, at the gingiva, and supra-gingivally. Initially 65% of the crown margins were sub-gingival compared to 41% 5 years later. When the crown margins were located sub-gingivally there was an increase in Gingival Index scores 2 and 3, in pocket depth, and in loss of attachment compared to a supra-gingival placement. However, most of the alterations were small.