Indole-3-acetyl-myo-inositol esters have been demonstrated to be endogenous components of etiolated Z. mays shoots tissue. This was accomplished by comparison of the putative compounds with authentic, synthetic esters. The properties compared were liquid and gas-liquid chromatographic retention times and the 70-ev mass spectral fragmentation pattern of the pentaacetyl derivative. The amount of indole-3-acetyl-myo-inositol esters in the shoots was determined to be 74 nmol/kg fresh weight as measured by isotope dilution, accounting for 19% of the ester IAA of the shoot. This work is the first characterization of an ester conjugate of IAA from vegetative shoot tissue using multiple chromatographic properties and mass spectral identification. The kernel and the seedling shoot both contain indole-3-acetyl-myo-inositol esters, and these esters comprise approximately the same percentage of the total ester content of the kernel and of the shoot.