A guide to placement of parietooccipital ventricular catheters

Accurate placement of parietooccipital ventricular catheters can be difficult and frustrating. To minimize the morbidity of the procedure and lengthen the duration of shunt function, the catheter tip should lie in the ipsilateral frontal horn. The authors describe a posterior ventricular guide (PVG) for placement of parietooccipital catheters that operates by mechanically coupling the posterior burr hole to the anterior target point. In a series of 38 patients who underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunting with the assistance of the guide, postoperative computerized tomography (CT) scanning revealed that 35 (92.0%) had accurate catheter placement. In comparison, a retrospective review of free-hand posterior catheter placement revealed good catheter position in only 22 of 43 patients (51.1%). The use of the guide added less than 5 minutes to the entire procedure, and there were no complications related to its use. The PVG is a simple and useful tool that aids in the placement of parietooccipital ventricular catheters.