A calcium switch for the functional coupling between α (hslo) and β subunits (KV, Caβ) of maxi K channels

K V , Ca β subunit dramatically increases the apparent calcium sensitivity of the α subunit of MaxlK channels when probed in the micromolar [Ca2+]i range. Analysis in a wide range of [Ca2+]i revealed that this functional coupling is exquisitely modulated by [Ca2+]i. Ca2+ ions switch MaxiK α+β complex into a functionally coupled state at concentrations beyond resting [Ca2+]i. At [Ca2+] ≤ 100 nM, MaxiK activity becomes independent of Ca2+, is purely voltage‐activated, and its functional coupling with its β subunit is released. The functional switch develops at [Ca2+]i that occur during cellular excitation, providing the molecular basis of how MaxiK channels regulate smooth muscle excitability and neurotransmitter release.