Evaluation of Binax NOW RSV as an acute point-of-care screening test in a paediatric accident and emergency unit.

  • 1 December 2004
    • journal article
    • research article
    • Vol. 7 (4), 328-30
Point-of-care tests (POCTs) for respiratory syncytial virus infections are a useful adjunct to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections in paediatric wards. A new test based on immunochromatography, Binax NOW RSV, was introduced in the winter of 2002-03. It has user friendly features making it particularly suitable for non-laboratory personnel in a paediatric accident and emergency unit. A prospective study comparing the POCT with laboratory-based direct immunofluorescence (DIF) showed sensitivity of 87% specificity of 94%, positive predictive value of 89% and negative predictive value 92%. The simplicity of Binax NOW RSV should not detract from training staff and maintaining consistent vigilance on quality control.