Spectral and dynamical characterization of multiexcitons in colloidal CdSe semiconductor quantum dots

Femtosecond photoluminescence (PL) up-conversion studies in polychromatic mode and laser-power-dependence studies of the PL were carried out on colloidal solutions of CdSe quantum dots with diameters ranging from 2.4to4nm. The main features of the spectra consist, in addition to the band-gap luminescence, of three bands, one 120130meV and another 3040meV at low energy to the band-gap luminescence, while the third lies 220260meV higher in energy. The first band is attributed to a positively charged biexciton and the second to a neutral biexciton, while the blue band is attributed to a neutral triexciton. These assignments are based on the energetics, the lifetimes, and the pump-power dependence of the various bands. The energetics and lifetimes are in good agreement with the theoretical studies present in literature.