Adrenaloma: A Call for More Aggressive Management

We review our experience from the surgical management of 57 patients (24 males, 33 females) with a mean age of 48.5 years who underwent adrenalectomy because of the computed tomography (CT) finding of a “nonfunctioning” adrenal tumor (adrenaloma). We found that CT consistently underestimated the real histologic size of the adrenal tumor ( p = 0.001). Of the 57 resected tumors, 23 were cortical adenomas, 7 myelolipomas, 8 adrenal cysts, 11 nodular hyperplasias, 2 primary adenocarcinomas, 2 metastatic carcinomas, and 4 pheochromocytomas. The mean diameter was 5.89 cm and the mean weight 114.07 g. The mean diameter of the resected primary adenocarcinomas was 3.0 cm and 4.5 cm, respectively. The operative mortality was zero and the perioperative morbidity minimal. The mean operating time was 137 minutes (range 60–240 minutes). The posterior approach had the shortest operating time and the laparoscopic approach the shortest hospital stay and the least postoperative need for narcotics. During the 6.2 years mean follow-up period, five patients with preoperative hypertension remained normotensive, and both patients with the resected primary adenocarcinomas are alive without recurrence. We suggest a more liberal surgical approach to patients with adrenalomas because: (1) even small tumors can be malignant or potentially lethal (e.g., pheochromocytomas); (2) some tumors that appear to be nonfunctioning may in reality be functioning; and (3) other nonfunctioning tumors may, with time (and without prior notice), function. The low risk of adrenalectomy especially via the laparoscopic approach can provide an early definitive diagnosis and treatment, avoiding the cost of repeated CT scans and other studies as suggested by the currently prevailing conservative management of these tumors.