The zebrafish Nodal signal Squint functions as a morphogen

Secreted morphogens induce distinct cellular responses in a concentration-dependent manner and act directly at a distance1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The existence of morphogens during mesoderm induction and patterning in vertebrates has been highly controversial, and it remains unknown whether endogenous mesoderm inducers act directly as morphogens8,9,10, function locally9 or act through relay mechanisms11,12. Here we test the morphogen properties of Cyclops and Squint—two Nodal-related transforming growth factor-β signals required for mesoderm formation and patterning in zebrafish13,14,15,16. Whereas different levels of both Squint and Cyclops can induce different downstream genes14,17,18,19, we find that only Squint can function directly at a distance. These results indicate that Squint acts as a secreted morphogen that does not require a relay mechanism.