Motivic zeta functions of abelian varieties, and the monodromy conjecture

We prove for abelian varieties a global form of Denef and Loeser's motivic monodromy conjecture, in arbitrary characteristic. More precisely, we prove that for every tamely ramified abelian variety $A$ over a complete discretely valued field, its motivic zeta function has a unique pole at Chai's base change conductor $c(A)$ of $A$, and that the order of this pole equals one plus the potential toric rank of $A$. Moreover, we show that for every embedding of $\Q_\ell$ in $\C$, the value $\exp(2\pi i c(A))$ is an $\ell$-adic tame monodromy eigenvalue of $A$. The main tool in the paper is Edixhoven's filtration on the special fiber of the N\'eron model of $A$, which measures the behaviour of the N\'eron model under tame base change.