Antibody responses to vaccinations given within the first two years after transplant are similar between autologous peripheral blood stem cell and bone marrow transplant recipients

As a consequence of the significantly larger inoculum of lymphoid cells present in peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvests compared to bone marrow (BM), it is possible that autoPBSCT recipients may have an earlier and*or enhanced response to vaccines. Until data to confirm this become available, the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Association (EBMT) recommend that all transplant recipients be immunized in the same way regardless of stem cell source. We performed a prospective study comparing serological responses to influenza, pneumococcal polysaccharide and tetanus toxoid vaccines between autoPBSCT with autoBMT recipients. Antibody responses in sibling HLA-matched allogeneic BMT (alloBMT) survivors were also evaluated. All vaccines were administered within the first 2 years after stem cell transplantation. Fifty patients were enrolled. The time of vaccination after transplant was similar between autoPBSCT (mean 11 months for each vaccine) and autoBMT recipients (mean 12 months except 13 months for tetanus toxoid) (P = NS). Serological responses were poor and no significant difference in response to any of the vaccines used was seen between the three transplant cohorts. We provide no evidence that current EBMT guidelines be modified. Large prospective vaccine studies are needed to address the issue more fully.