Adherence Among Children and Adolescents With Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Over a Four-Year Longitudinal Foliow-Up: I. The Influence of Patient Coping and Adjustment

An onset cohort of adolescents and children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was studied over a 4-year period. Individual patient psychosocial and demographic factors were assessed at study inception and used to examine aspects of adherence over the follow-up. We found that initial assessment of patient coping (defense level, adaptive strength, and locus of control) and adjustment at study inception were predictive of the level of patient adherence to diabetic regimen over the 4 years of study. Psychosocial variables predicted adherence outcomes independent of patient age. This was found for three domains of adherence, i.e., diet, insulin adjustment, and metabolic monitoring, and for the composite index derived from the separate adherence scales. Preadolescents (ages 9–12) at study entry were more adherent than patients who were already adolescent (ages 13–16) when diagnosed. Using multiple regression, three factors (age, adjustment, ego defense level) accounted for 47% of the variance in adherence. No factors were predictive of change in adherence during the follow-up. Thus, psychosocial characteristics of diabetic children assessed shortly after diagnosis predicted typical or average adherence over a 4-year period. Identification of such characteristics may be useful in developing strategies for intervention early in the course of illness.