Constitution of the Poly-acids

THE work of Keggin1 has placed the constitution of the 12-heteropoly-acids, metatungstates and metamolybdates—for example, R3H[SiW12O40].aq, R6[H2Mo12O40].aq.—on a sure basis, and has indicated that the poly-acid anions may be regarded as coordination structures, built up of polyhedra of oxygen ions in the manner first envisaged by Pauling2. The constitution of other groups of poly-acids, for example, those with 9 or 11 MoO3 or WO3 for each molecule of hetero-acid, is still quite unknown, as also is that of the second main series of poly-acids—the 6-poly-acids, such as the 6-molybdo-periodates.

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