
Retinoblastoma is a rare cancer of the infant retina that is diagnosed in approximately 8,000 children each year worldwide. It forms when both retinoblastoma gene (RB1) alleles are mutated in a susceptible retinal cell, probably a cone photoreceptor precursor. Loss of the tumour-suppressive functions of the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) leads to uncontrolled cell division and recurrent genomic changes during tumour progression. Although pRB is expressed in almost all tissues, cone precursors have biochemical and molecular features that may sensitize them to RB1 loss and enable tumorigenesis. Patient survival is >95% in high-income countries but RB1 loss in diverse tissues may open new avenues for treatment and prevention of retinoblastoma, as well as second cancers, in patients with germline RB1 mutations.