Cytodiagnosis of Eumycotic Mycetoma

Mycetoma is a late-stage clinical manifestation of a subcutaneous infection produced by bacteria (actinomycetoma) or fungi (eumycetoma). Only a few articles have described the morphologic appearance of this uncommon pathology on cytology. The distinction between eumycetoma and actinomycetoma in fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is as accurate as in histopathology, as demonstrated in the present case. A 30-year-old man presented with a large swelling on his left foot with a discharging sinus. FNAC of the swelling yielded pus-like material. Initial Papanicolaou and Giemsa stains showed the presence of septate, branching fungal hyphae and black granules against the inflammatory background. The presence of fungus was confirmed by PAS stain. The species was identified as Exophiala jeanselmei on fungal culture. Mycotic mycetoma can be accurately diagnosed by FNAC, which is a simple, inexpensive and rapid technique when there is a high index of suspicion. Special stains and culture studies are helpful in confirmation of diagnosis and species identification.