Tubular carcinoma of the breast

Clinical and pathological features of 135 tubular carcinomas are discussed. Tumor silc varied from 0.2 to 2.5 cm with a mean diameter of 0.9 cm. In situ carcinoma was found associated with tubular cancer in 86 cases (63.6%). In 82 of 86 (95.3%) it was of micropapillary/cribriform intraductal type. Twelve of 109 patients in whom axillary; diseais was performed were found to have axillary metastases. Six patients (4) developed recurrent or disseminated metastatic carcinoma during a mean follow-up period of 7.2 years. Two of these patients are dead of disease. Tubular carcinoma shneld be distinguished from microglandular adenosis, an uncommon form of selerosing adenosis.