Bioelements and heavy metals in dry and wet depositions at some localities in the morava river basin

Bioelements contained both in liquid and solid fall-out appear to be one of the potential sources of surface water pollution or effects on the landscape. The aim of the several-year monitoring consists in determining differences in the content of these components in particular localities of our region. To compare results, the methods of taking the samples as well as procedures in their processing were maintained although there are changes in the development and use of the methods. Due to technical reasons, it was not possible to separate liquid and solid components earlier than at two-month intervals. In spite of this, we use terms liquid and solid fall-out in determining the results although some small changes can occur in the liquid component. In comparing results of analyses from particular localities, it is necessary to take into account also the direction of prevailing winds which can help in identifying sources of air-borne components in fall-outs. All the fallout station localities were situated in such a way sources from the immediate vicinity to be eliminated. Sample analyses are aimed at general characteristics, i.e. dry matter, ash, water and macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, aluminium, manganese) and microelements (boron, zinc, molybdenum, copper, lead, nickel, chromium, cadmium and mercury). At present, the measurements continue and results obtained are processed.