Human endothelial cell cultures: Phenotypic modulation by leukocyte interleukins

We report here that soluble factors from activated mononuclear leukocytes have a dramatic effect on cultured endothelial cells. While human umbilical vein endothelial cells grown under standard conditions show a polygonal, epitheliallike morphology, cells exposed to culture media conditioned by lectin-activated human mononuclear leukocytes become extremely elongated and/or send out numerous cytoplasmic processes, assuming a dendritic configuration. This effect cannot be mimicked by exogenous cyclic AMP, is reversible upon interruption of the treatment, and appears specific for endothelial cells, since it has not been observed so far with other cell types. The shape changes are accompanied by a reorganization of the endothelial cell cytoskeleton: actin microfilament bundles tend to be disposed in parallel arrays, while intermediate filaments and microtubules penetrate up to the extremity of the cytoplasmic processes. Colchicine prevents endothelial cell elongation but only slightly impairs the formation of lateral cell processes (“dendritic configuration”). Purified interleukins were tested for their ability to induce these changes of cell shape. Escherichia coli-recombinant human interleukin 2 had no effect, and γ-interferon only a slight effect on endothelial cell morphology. Interleukin 1 induced moderate cell elongation, while combined treatment with both interleukin 1 and γ-interferon resulted in shape changes indistinguishable from those elicited by supernatants of activated mononuclear leukocytes. The possible relevance of the observed endothelial cell changes to the reported angiogenic activity of mononuclear cell products is discussed.