SCREENING FOR HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA IN 10 000 DANISH NEWBORNS Follow‐up Studies in 522 Children with Elevated Cord Serum VLDL‐LDL‐Cholesterol

Among 10440 newborns, 522 with upper 5 percentile values for very low-low density lipoprotein cholesterol in cord serum were selected for follow-up studies. Follow-up was possible in 446 of these 522 families (85%) and familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) was diagnosed in 11. In 273 of the 522 children, serum lipids were determined between the ages of 1 and 2 years and were now found to be normal, except in the 11 children with FH. Furthermore the serum lipids were compared in subgroups of these 273 children divided according to obstetric complications (i.e. low birth-weight, perinatal asphyxia and antepartum betamethasone treatment), which may cause a rise in serum lipids at birth. No differences were found between these subgroups at the age of 1–2 years.