DoS Attack Energy Management Against Remote State Estimation

This paper considers a remote state estimation problem, where a sensor measures the state of a linear discrete-time process and has computational capability to implement a local Kalman filter based on its own measurements. The sensor sends its local estimates to a remote estimator over a communication channel that is exposed to a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacker. The DoS attacker, subject to limited energy budget, intentionally jams the communication channel by emitting interference noises with the purpose of deteriorating estimation performance. In order to maximize attack effect, following the existing answer to “when to attack the communication channel”, in this paper we manage to solve the problem of “how much power the attacker should use to jam the channel in each time”. For the static attack energy allocation problem, when the system matrix is normal, we derive a sufficient condition for when the maximum number of jamming operations should be used. The associated jamming power is explicitly provided. For a general system case, we propose an attack power allocation algorithm and show the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is not worse than $\cal{O}(T )$ , where $T$ is the length of the time horizon considered. When the attack can receive the real-time ACK information, we formulate a dynamic attack energy allocation problem, and transform it to a Markov Decision Process to find the optimal solution.
Funding Information
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (61503147, 61503337, 71401060)
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015M571870)
  • Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Y16F030011)
  • University Science Research General Project of Jiangsu Province (15KJB510002)
  • science and technology project of Jiangsu Province (BC2015166)
  • Lianyungang Science and Technology Project (CG1413, CG1501)