Changes of virulence factors accompanying the phenomenon of induced fluconazole resistance in Candida albicans

We investigated a fluconazole‐sensitive (MICflu = 5 μg ml−1) clinical isolate and a fluconazole‐resistant (MICflu >80 μg ml−1) laboratory mutant Candida albicans strain developed from the sensitive one. We studied putative virulence factors including germination, adherence ability to either buccal epithelial cells or acrylate surface, the secreted aspartic proteinase, and the extracellular phospholipase activity of the two strains as well as their growth. The fluconazole‐resistant strain proved to be superior to the original strain in all the virulence traits tested. The higher virulence of the fluconazole‐resistant strain was also supported by a mouse model. These results suggest that the development of fluconazole resistance can be accompanied by serious morphological and physiological changes: several putative virulence traits, moreover the in vivo virulence can increase simultaneously.