The Chin and Adjacent Fat Compartments

The human face contains numerous subcutaneous compartments of fatty tissue, but neither a chin compartment nor a submental compartment have been described. Definitions of the jowl compartment vary considerably. To investigate the borders between the subcutaneous fat compartments of the chin, submental region, and jowls. Colored gelatin was injected into the subcutaneous tissues directly under the skin of 30 human cadaver heads. Macroscopic dissection was performed. Distinct chin and submental compartments were identified in all cases. The chin compartment is demarcated by the mentolabial groove superiorly, the submental ligaments inferiorly, and the labiomandibular grooves laterally. The submental compartment is demarcated from the chin by the submental ligaments, laterally by the paramedian platysma-retaining ligaments, and inferiorly by the hyoid ligament. The upper border of the jowl compartment is formed by the mandibular ligaments and the platysma-mandibular ligaments, the anterior border by the paramedian platysma-retaining ligaments, and the dorsal boundary by the submandibular platysma retaining ligaments. The chin compartment is well demarcated from adjacent compartments. The limits of the submental compartment vary. The jowl compartment is clearly demarcated from adjacent compartments.

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